Information and reservations:
To make a reservation please complete the following form and we will send you an email shortly to confirm the availability and the booking.
Please use this form to contact us. Thank you very much.
According to Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (Data Protection Act “LOPD”) and any other applicable law, Mas Llunès informs its customers and anyone who gives their personal data to the company about its policy of personal data protection, that it is available on this website by following the link “LOPD”.
- C/ Els Estanys
17410 - Sils | Girona - Telèfon:972 853 159
- Mòbil Pere:679 485 849
- Mòbil Assunción:660 616 326